Wood County Fairgrounds, 13800 West Poe Road, Bowling Green, Ohio, 43402 Junior Fair Building
Breakfast and Lunch available
Show Etiquette:
Cats do not like loud noises or sudden movements. If you have children with you, please impress upon them that they must not run or shout in the show hall.
Cats are susceptible to a large range of diseases, which may be carried from cat to cat on your hands. Please do not pet any cat without asking the owner first. If the owner says "yes" you may be asked to disinfect your hands first.
Watch for people carrying cats and allow chem to pass. If you hear anyone yell "Cat Out!" please stand still and let the owner catch the cat. DO NOT TRY TO CATCH THE CAT! If you are near an open door, please quietly and quickly close it.
Do not ask the judges questions while the cats are being judged. You will find most exhibitors will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Please do not walk behind the judging table to look at cats in the judging cages. It is the only off-limits area at the cat show.